That First Date Movie
Some Tips to Make it Less Awkward
By Angela Eastman

Catching a movie is the quintessential first date…and often one of the most awkward experiences ever. In theory it seems easy, right, both halves of the couple sitting through the ordeal in silence, no small talk or eye contact necessary? But you’re still a nervous wreck, and you know you’re bound to do something wrong, so there’s a jumble of uncertainties running through your head, threatening embarrassment and making you an indecisive mess. Well, don’t despair, here are some easy tips to easing the pressure of the whole event.


Putting together an outfit is an essential part of date preparation. You want to look sexy, but you’ve got to remember that those movie theaters have turbo A/C and can get really cold, so instead of shivering and having your date think you’re hinting that you want his arm around you, just remember to bring a sweater.

Pick your Flick

On one hand, your date should be willing to take you to see whatever movie you want, including the ultra-sappy romantic comedy that just came out. But on the other hand, you don’t want to make him see something he doesn’t like. Then again, if you let him choose, he’ll probably pick some crazy action flick, and you don’t want to sit through that either. Unless it’s that new one with Orlando Bloom…So try to find some middle ground, even if it means neither one of you gets to see your #1 choice.


So you picked your movie. Now, who should pay? Maybe you’ve brought enough money to treat, but what if he gets offended when you try to pay? Let the guy pay the first time around, make him think he’s in charge. You can flaunt your financial independence on the rest of your dates (if you get past this one!, so no need to feel as though you’re jeopardizing decades of Women’s Rights.

On the way to the theatre you pass by the concession stand. That buttery smell fills your nostrils, and a craving for popcorn hits you like a truck. You want to buy a bucket, but you also don’t want to seem like a hog. If you’re really concerned about looking like a total piglet, it’s best to skip the popcorn this time just so you’re not self-conscious. Or you could suggest getting a small ~ maybe he’ll wind up getting a large, just to impress you, then you can eat most of his. We all know that calories don’t count if you’re eating from someone else’s bucket! Just be careful if you stand up during the movie. If you knock over the popcorn, that’s major klutz points.

Watching the Movie

The guy’s going to try and sneak his arm around your shoulder. You can count on it. It’s good if you’re feelin’ snuggly, but if you don’t like it sweetly but firmly tell him no. If he persists, try not to punch him too hard.

Eventually the date will be over…If it was torture, well, you only had to survive at most two hours of it. If it wasn’t, then you’ve beaten the First Date Curse and are set for date #2…and maybe this time there will even be conversation!